The Gran Fondo course requires you to complete the UCI Uphill Category 2 grade 2 hills and 2 4 grade hills and a 208km course over 1 HC (hors catégorie) hill within 12 hours.

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The Gran Fondo course requires you to complete the UCI Uphill Category 2 grade 2 hills and 2 4 grade hills and a 208km course over 1 HC (hors catégorie) hill within 12 hours.

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In the Mediopondo course, you must complete the 105km course over two UCI Uphill Category 2 Level Hills and 2 Level 4 Hills within 7 hours. Pass through 2 supply stations.

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2024 자이언트 설악 그란폰도

2023 자이언트 설악 그란폰도 챔피언십

2022 자이언트 설악 그란폰도 스케치

